
FEWS NET Explainers and One-Pagers

What Does FEWS NET Do.pdf
FEWS NET Data Platform.pdf
FEWS NET Services - Agroclimatology Tools and Reports.pdf
FEWS NET Services - Integrated Food Security Analysis Reports.pdf
FEWS NET Services - Markets and Trade Products.pdf
FEWS NET Learning and Data Hub One Pager Feb 2024.pdf

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What are FEWS NET's assets?

Who are we reaching out to?

Our audiences may include: USAID BHA, BRFS, Country Missions Resource partners and technical peers (e.g., Food Security Information Network, Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, Cadre Harmonisé) Host-government ministries and Data Source Organizations; United Nations agencies (e.g., World Food Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization, and UNICEF), ACLED, and the World Bank International and local NGOs Media Academic researchers