06 KM and Learning

Knowledge Management and Learning Sector Overview for Handover Documentation

KM and Learning main file archive link


Purpose and Objective

The Knowledge Management and Learning (KML) Team is responsible for training, knowledge management, communications, Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), data management (including the FEWS NET Data Warehouse), and GIS support across the project, focusing on Home Office support. The team’s main objectives include the following:

Sector staff

Over the course of FEWS NET III (2012-2019), the team has staffed the following positions:

Training documentation

KM and Communications Documentation

This documentation focuses on the products and processes that support promotion, communication, and sharing of FEWS NET information. Links to the related product documentation (e.g., for documentation on production of the FAOB) are provided within the document.

Product Documentation

Process Documentation

Training Documentation

Data Documentation

The documentation below addresses the process of data gathering, extracting, processing, and uploading across the FEWS NET Data Warehouse (FDW) Domains:

Additional data-related documentation within the FDW documentation folder:

Data Training Documentation

ICT Documentation

GIS Documentation

Training Documentation