Helpdesk User Resources

FEWS NET Helpdesk Operational Procedures 

The Helpdesk services issues relating to the FEWS NET Data Warehouse (FDW), FEWS NET Data Explorer (FDE), the FEWS NET Website (, and FEWS NET Google Suite Accounts (i.e. Email, Calendar, Google Docs, etc.). This page provides an overview of operations for the Helpdesk, as well as tips and best practices for how to get the most out of the FEWS NET Helpdesk support.

Customer Service Statement

The FEWS NET Helpdesk team is committed to delivering quality customer service by:

Hours of Operation

Helpdesk coverage support spans across multiple time zones. Users can expect assistance from 6:00AM UTC to 11:00PM UTC Monday through Friday, providing approximately 18 hours of coverage per workday for triage.

Open: 6:00 AM UTC Monday - Friday

Close: 11:00 PM UTC Monday - Friday

If a user finds an urgent matter that needs to be addressed outside of operating hours, please mark the subject line as “Urgent” and briefly describe the problem, and a Helpdesk staff member will address the issue during the immediately proceeding business hours of operation. 

Helpdesk Issue Types

Helpdesk tickets should only be created when previously working functionality is broken or a user requires administrative assistance. 

Users should create Helpdesk requests by visiting the Help Desk ticket submission page and completing the appropriate form for the following issues:

If a user would like to request a new feature or ability to be added to an application where it did not previously exist, the user should email with the Subject: New Feature Request, a description of the requested feature, and justification for adding it. 

Best Practices: The Helpdesk Portal (recommended best practice)

Users may raise any issues via the FEWS NET Helpdesk Portal. A FEWS NET email or other login information is not required to access or use the Helpdesk Portal. 

The Portal serves as a central point to raise issues related to the FEWS NET Data Warehouse, Website, G-Suite, and the Learning Management System (LMS) without having to send an email or log into any system, and it allows users to further specify the type of issues they are having between multiple categories. It also serves as a Helpdesk-related document and announcement repository for pushing information to the community. 

Access the Portal HERE and click on the Need to raise a request? Contact us link on the page. Use the following request options provided to specify what kind of issue you are experiencing. 

FDE/FDW Help: Excel workbook assistance, data extract help, data upload help, API help, report an account problem or request updated access, report a FDE/FDW application problem.

FEWS NET Website Help: Report a website problem

FEWS NET Google Suite Help : Report an account problem or request updated access

Products Accounts Management: Request a new account, request an account to be decommissioned, report an account problem or request updated access

Miscellaneous Inquiries: Application or dashboard inquiry, documentation assistance, general assistance request, recommend a data update, FEWS NET LMS assistance

Contacting the Helpdesk: FEWS NET Early Warning Team

If you are a member of the FEWS NET Early Warning team, please be sure to CC: and/or add as a "Watcher" to a ticket submission, Nour Nourey ( and Linda Scheppler ( when completing a ticket submission form or emailing the Helpdesk with any issues. 

Best Practices: Emailing the Helpdesk

To allow the Helpdesk team to best serve you and fellow users, please read through the resources provided and/or complete and submit a form before deciding to send an email to Completing the fields in the request forms will provide the helpdesk with much of the details they need to expedite your request with the minimum of back and forth emails. 

If you feel you need to email the helpdesk rather than complete a form, please follow these guidelines: Please note that submitting a form will be processed with the same priority and efficiency as an email. 

Issue Prioritization and Escalation (Urgent, high, medium, low)

Helpdesk support staff will prioritize issues based on severity and time commitments. Users should expect to be notified via email when a support staff has received and assigned their ticket to the Queue. Response time will vary by priority as noted below:

Urgent: The issue affects a FEWS NET Platform and is causing a major loss in functionality. Support staff will work to fix the issue ASAP.

High: The issue is causing a minor loss of previously working functionality in the Platform, and a  temporary workaround exists.

Medium: The default priority for tickets created. Little to no impact on functionality, but can cause confusion for users. Unless otherwise specified, user access concerns will be assigned a Medium priority. 

Low: The issue does not impact functionality at all, but should be fixed to improve user experience.

Issue Resolution Scenarios

The Helpdesk procedures for addressing tickets largely depend on the nature of the underlying issue. The following are scenarios that users can expect to experience when interacting with the Helpdesk team. 

If the issue is confirmed to be a user navigation issue

If the issue is confirmed to be a defect or system bug

If a user submits a feature request

The Hub continuously works to improve the functionality of its data and web platforms.  Requests from users submitted either from via the Helpdesk or directly into the Hub’s Jira projects follows a different pathway that problems related to navigation, defects or systems bugs.

At the beginning of each month, the Hub organizes a Sprint Planning process to review and prioritize tickets coming from the existing backlog or recent feature requests. If USAID, which owns and manages the overall FEWS NET project, prioritizes the issue, it can be addressed during that same month; otherwise, it joins other tickets in the rolling backlog. 

Therefore, for users submitting feature requests: 

Team Member On-Boarding/Off-Boarding Process

In event of on-boarding new FEWS NET staff, a designated implementing partner team member shall complete a New User Request via the Helpdesk Portal with the following information:

Once this information is received, Helpdesk staff will inform both the designated team member and the new staff member that the new account(s) is/are ready for use, and how to access it/them. 

In event of off-boarding FEWS NET staff, a designated implementing partner team member shall complete a Decommission Account Request via the Helpdesk Portal, and include the following information:

Once this information is received via the Helpdesk Portal, Helpdesk staff will make the necessary changes to the user’s accounts(s) and remove their access wherever appropriate.

Account Quarterly Review Audit Process

Every 30 days, user accounts across the FEWS NET systems and platforms will be scanned for activity. Accounts that have been inactive for 60 days will receive an email notification, recommending that they log into that account in order to preserve active status. 

If the user does not log into an account within a 90-day period, that user will not have access to that account. That account will not be deleted, however. Should the user require access after 90 days, the user will be required to email for re-activation.


For any additional questions or comments about this procedural document, please contact