FEWS NET BHA Foundational Training Development Process

Project Context

In May 2023, at the All FEWS Workshop in Mombasa, Kenya, USAID leadership requested a training series on the essentials of FEWS NET. This training series is designed to ensure that USAID BHA colleagues have a strong understanding of FEWS NET’s purpose, objectives, analytical approach, outputs, and limitations. The overarching questions the USAID FEWS NET Foundational Training series will answer are:

This project aligns with FEWS NET and USAID’s broader goal to undertake a series of initiatives to increase USAID’s capacity to best utilize early warning analysis on acute food insecurity. The content created for this training will be leveraged to create other relevant learning products for the broader food security community and beyond. 

This page shares the ongoing and iterative design and development process—including related artifacts—as this essential training material is built for the FEWS NET project. 

Copy of Draft proposed outline for USAID BHA

Program outline

Collaborative and Iterative Design and Development Process

The Early Warning Team (EWT) subject matter experts and the Hub learning development lead collaborated on the design and development of the materials. The iterative process started with identifying the learning outcomes for the overall project, and then breaking down the objectives into digestible stand-alone learning modules. 

The EWT and the Hub then worked together to draft the slides and facilitation guidance for their assigned modules, with the other team reviewing the content. This process was iterative and involved several drafts. 

The Hub was responsible for creating training material templates and ensuring materials adhered to FEWS NET brand and 508 guidelines. The learning development lead also reviewed content to ensure it aligned with adult learning principles. 

Explore this one-pager on adult learning theory.

This primer offers an overview of how FEWS NET applies adult learning principles to learning development. 

Adult learning methodology at FEWS NET
BHA FEWS NET Training_Pilot 1 Agenda

Pilot 1 agenda

Pilot 1 - September 11, 2023

The first pilot was held at USAID, 555 12th Street NW, Washington, DC. The pilot covered three modules:

Approximately 18 attendees from the Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance attended the pilot. Several observers/note-takers were also in the room, representing USAID and various individuals from the FEWS NET project's Early Warning Team and the Data, Knowledge, and Learning Hub. 

A sampling of the draft training materials developed for the first pilot is showcased below. 

Pilot 1
Facilitator's Guide

FEWS NET Facilitators Guide_Pilot 1_Combined.pdf

Pilot 1
Participant's Guide

FEWS NET Participants Guide_Pilot 1_Combined.pdf

Pilot 1 Slide Deck

Includes the slide deck for one module

Copy of FEWS NET Training Slide_How FN conducts its analysis_20230826.pptx

Pilot 1 Evaluation Process and Next Steps

Coming soon!