02 Markets and Trade

Markets and Trade (MT) Sector Overview for Handover Documentation


Purpose and Objective

The Markets and Trade (MT) Team is responsible for providing project-wide technical support, guidance, and training related to analyzing food availability and food access. The MT sector seeks to improve FEWS NET staff and partner understanding of staple food and income-generating markets as they relate to the livelihoods and food security of poor households using a common set of concepts and tools as well as innovative and integrated data-management and analysis systems.

The team’s main objectives are to:

We do this by:

Sector staff

Over the course of FEWS NET III (2012-2019), the team has staffed the following positions:

MT Product Documentation

This documentation addresses the process of preparing the following standard FEWS NET products (reports and maps) that all feed into to the overall FEWS NET approach to market monitoring and analysis:



MT Process Documentation

This documentation addresses the primary and secondary Data Collection and management (these should be read jointly with the KML handover documentation related to the Price and Cross-Border Trade (XBT) Data Domains:

Training documentation