FEWS NET 6 Archive
Handover Documents

This page serves as an entry point to access the FEWS NET Archive from the prior iteration of the project. The archive documents listed below represent key product and deliverable production processes, sector-specific materials, and training and supplementary materials. The complete set of archive files are described in an overview document. The handover materials are currently stored on the FEWS NET Google Drive, and include the following:

HANDOVER DOCUMENTATION. This section of the archive houses final copy of documentation of processes for products and training. The pages below outline the topics available via the Handover Documentation link above.

SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS. This section of the archive brings together additional resources referred to in the sector-specific material above. 

TRAINING MATERIALS. This section houses the guidance on training developed under FN3 as well as the training materials for topics below. The links below lead to summary web pages by type of training with additional links to related materials.