On/Off-Boarding FEWS NET Staff from Project Accounts

Updated November 25, 2020

As the provider of services to members of the larger FEWS NET team, the Hub is responsible for managing several accounts, applications, and platforms required by others in that team. Examples include:

To meet USAID compliance requirements and operate using best practices, the Hub institutes the following principles for coordinating account access across the FEWS NET project. 

Security Implications

There are significant security implications and risks involved if an on-boarding and off-boarding account management policy is not implemented, especially as the FEWS NET program continues to grow and evolve into new phases. The following security risks exist to the FEWS NET project until an account management process is in place: 

On-Boarding/Off-Boarding Process

In event of on-boarding new FEWS NET staff, a designated implementing partner team member shall complete a New User Request via the Helpdesk Portal with the following information:

Once this information is received, Helpdesk staff will inform both the designated team member and the new staff member that the new account(s) is/are ready for use, and how to access it/them. 

In event of off-boarding FEWS NET staff, a designated implementing partner team member shall complete a Decommission Account Request via the Helpdesk Portal, and include the following information:

Once this information is received via the Helpdesk Portal, Helpdesk staff will make the necessary changes to the user’s accounts(s) and remove their access wherever appropriate.

Quarterly Review Audit Process

Every 30 days, user accounts across our systems will be scanned for activity. Accounts that have been inactive for 60 days will receive an email notification, recommending that they log into that account in order to preserve active status. 

If the user does not log into an account within a 90-day period, that user will not have access to that account. That account will not be deleted, however. Should the user require access after 90 days, the user will be required to email Helpdesk@fews.net for re-activation.