Applying Natural Language Processing to FEWS NET Reporting

CIAT Presentation April 2023 Collaboration Meeting.pdf
Copy of 2023_04_Collaboration Meeting.pdf

Project Background

The International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), part of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), are conducting a research project with USAID FEWS NET titled Food insecurity trends in the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET): An integrated machine learning approach to systematically analyze FEWS NET’s archive for historical trends and insights.


The periodic country analyses elaborated by FEWS NET have enabled the creation of a comprehensive historical database comprising consistent triannual reporting on wealth segmented Groups for sub-national Livelihood Zones in over two dozen countries. The longitudinal breadth of this Dataset has the potential to provide information and insights into long-term trends regarding shocks over time, coping capacity, and livelihoods. Systematically assessing the documentation from a historical perspective not only provides a comprehensive overview of food insecurity in FEWS NET covered countries, but can also support current operations by providing another evidence-base from which to carry out analyses and develop projections.

In such cases, machine-driven content analysis techniques stand as effective approaches to make sense of all the data available, as extracting knowledge from extensive text-based sources through conventional approaches such as manual coding or keyword searches is a challenge. In particular, text mining is an approach that seeks to automate the retrieval of high-quality information from text, usually by finding patterns and trends through machine learning, statistics, and linguistics. The aim of this technique is to enable the analysis of large amounts of unstructured text to derive insights. 

Research Questions


The outcome of this project will be an interactive Dashboard with analysis and Visualizations available to the FEWS NET team, food security community, and general public. 

Presentations from CIAT to USAID FEWS NET

July 2022 FEWS NET collaboration meeting


Most recent presentation: February 2023

2023_02_FEWS-NET_monthly update_Feb17.pptx

2023 presentations

2021 presentations

2022 presentations