IY4 Joint Work Planning

IY4 Key Dates 

June  16, 2022 (completed) USAID/FEWS NET shares the proposed approach to Joint Work Planning with all teams during the June Collaboration Meeting

July 21, 2022 (completed) Teams present their areas of potential joint collaboration during the July Collaboration Meeting (high-level)

Late July – mid-September Teams meet to discuss bi- or tri-laterally to get their workplans into place; include an agenda item for the 18 August Collaboration Meeting to check in with the teams on progress, field any questions, etc. Possibility to build in regional workshops to provide inputs into the joint workplanning process.

October 17, 2022
Work Plans due to USAID

October 20, 2022:
Teams present their finalized workplans during the October Collaboration Meeting

December 15, 2022 Check-in to ensure continued alignment in implementation of existing joint workplans, with updates made in response to emerging joint tasks 

March 16, 2023 Check-in to ensure continued alignment in implementation of existing joint workplans, with updates made in response to emerging joint tasks

IY4 Supporting Documents

Work Plans IY4

Hub APRs IY4 (Hub documents)

Teams Presentations - Potential Joint Collaborations - July 21, 2022 Monthly Collaboration Meeting