AMELP Resources 

Activity Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Plan

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) Learning and Data Hub activity-level monitoring, evaluation, and learning plan (AMELP) is a pilot approach to monitoring, evaluation, and learning at the Task Order level. The Learning and Data Hub (the Hub) are part of the larger, overarching FEWS NET project, which has the goal to sustainably prevent food insecurity and Famine.

The problem the Hub is designed to address is around disparate data systems and technologies. FEWS NET has operated since 1985. For more than 35 years, FEWS NET has generated a wealth of knowledge, data, and evidence on global food security. Much of these data are available on multiple FEWS NET platforms, including the public FEWS NET website ( and the more interactive FEWS NET Data Explorer (FDE).

Hub Theory of Change

The Hub Theory of Change frames and underpins our approaches, priorities, and expected results. The Theory of Change for the Learning and Data Hub is as follows:

If the Hub effectively (i) provides the tools and support to FEWS NET stakeholders to manage data and information; (ii) supports, through the website, an engaging user experience for FEWS NET stakeholders to perform data sharing and analysis; and (iii) facilitates cross-project collaboration, learning, and knowledge sharing;

then FEWS NET partners and stakeholders will increasingly access and use these tools and platforms, enabling them to leverage FEWS NET data and technology to build a better understanding of current and chronic food insecurity and contribute to the sustainable prevention of global food insecurity and Famine.

FEWS NET Hub Results Framework

Draft Pilot Hub AMELP and Presentation 

AMELP presentation 07202022.mp4

Quarterly Reports 

FY23 Quarter 1

Report 1 Quarterly Update to AMELP - FY23Q1 - Learning and Data Hub Pilot AMELP_2022-2023 (2).pdf

FY23 Quarter 2

Quarterly Update to AMELP - FY23Q2 - Learning and Data Hub Pilot AMELP_2022-2023 .docx.pdf

FY23 Quarter 3

Quarterly Update to AMELP - FY23Q3 - Learning and Data Hub Pilot AMELP_2022-2023 .docx (1) (1).pdf