Best Practices for Web and SEO

SEO, Ranking, and Search Visibility

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to a website through organic search engine results.


Ranking refers to the process search engines use to determine where a particular piece of content should appear on a search engine results page (SERP). Search visibility refers to how prominently a piece of the content displays in search engine results.


We can increase our SEO ranking and content visibility by implementing SEO best practices throughout the website. Our goal is to help Google and other search engines understand the resources we offer so we can attract visitors who are genuinely interested in our content, data, and analysis products.

SEO Best Practices for URLs

A well-crafted URL (web address) provides both humans and search engines an easy-to-understand indication of what the destination page will be about.

Tips for SEO:

Example: fews-net-afghanistan-ipc-minority-report-2020-10.pdf

Please read below to learn how file naming best practices lead to well-crafted URLs.

File Naming Best Practices for Images and Documents

A short, understandable filename that provides context makes it clear what visitors will see if they click the link, which gives visitors confidence in our website. Filenames of no more than four or five words or 30 to 50 characters are ideal.


Good filenames improve website usability and SEO. Consistent filenames are easier to remember and make sense within a website's structure.


When we upload media (i.e., document or image files) to our website, we must consider that we might reference that media again within our own website or, that another website might wish to reference our media file. Following these guidelines will help us make content easier to find, share, and maintain.

Standardize File Naming

Note: It is understood often posts time-sensitive content. Still, every effort should be made to include clear, concise date structures when necessary and to exclude dates entirely from filenames whenever possible.

Do This:


Not This:

FEWS NET  Afghanistan IPC Minority Report 2020_10.pdf


Because This:


Becomes This URL:


While This:

FEWS NET  Afghanistan IPC Minority Report 2020_10.pdf

Becomes This URL:

Tips for SEO:

SEO Best Practices for Images

Image optimization can boost our SEO efforts, site speed, accessibility, and overall user experience. Follow these best practices to prepare images files before uploading them to the website.

Relevant Images

Images and web content should support each other. Including a contextual image helps our site visitors understand the context of the content ensuring a more cohesive message is shared.

Naming Image Files

Image filenames alert Google, other search engine crawlers, and screen readers as to the subject matter of the image. When crafting an image filename,
ask yourself: “What does this image actually show?” and follow the Standardize File Naming steps listed above. When possible, keep image filenames to 5 words or fewer. 

Do This:
Not This:
Seasonal Cal.png

Do This:
Not This:
Fig 1 COVID.png

Image Size (Dimensions)

Use original image sizes (dimensions) that are close to the actual size as rendered on the webpage. Meaning, upload an image that’s close to the display size (width x height) in the content. Make sure to consider the larger dimensions for images using the expand feature as in the example to the right.

If you have a large image and you can afford to reduce it in size to match the page content and design, make that a priority, but never at the expense of the resolution and quality of the image.

File Size (KBs, MBs, GBs)

File size can have an effect on page speed. Optimizing images to decrease the file size helps with page-load times. There isn't a standard file size for images, but they should be as small as possible without affecting the image quality. As long as you keep the majority of images around 500kb, depending on the image dimensions, you won’t impact webpage load times.

ALT Text

ALT text is a text alternative to images. Well-crafted ALT text ensures search engines are able to read and understand the contents of the visual content on our website. Here are some tips for crafting effective ALT text.


Use the Correct File Type

While there are many image formats to choose from, PNG and JPEG are the most common for the web.

For the majority of images, PNG is the best format. 

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Customized Short Link URLs

A customized short link URL is a descriptive, memorable, and pronounceable URL used to redirect a URL (web address) from one location to another. Short link URLs can be used in a multitude of places, such as social media posts, emails, print publications, webinars, briefings, and other offline activities such as presentations.

Learn more about Customized Short Link URLs