Customized Short Links

A customized short link URL is a descriptive, memorable, and pronounceable URL used to redirect a URL (web address) from one location to another. Short link URLs can be used in a multitude of places, such as social media posts, emails, print publications, webinars, briefings, and other offline activities such as presentations. content is often referenced in both online and offline activities. Customized short links can help us to manage redirects and avoid other challenges when sharing URLs for our webpages and files. Review the use case scenario below to consider the value of using customized short links.

Sample Use Case

A FEWS NET partner organization wants to share a document file link on their website or within a printed publication. The issue is FEWS NET posts frequent updates to the document and the partner organization wants to avoid the inconvenience and cost to maintain a valid link on their website or printed materials. FEWS NET can provide a customized short link URL to redirect to the file URL and manage updates to the file without breaking the link provided to the partner organization.


So, for example, let’s say the partner organization wants the link they use on their website or within a printed publication to deliver the latest Afghanistan IPC Minority report. For our example, we'll pretend FEWS NET uploaded a document to the website in October 2020 using the following filename.

fews-net-afghanistan-ipc-minority-report -202010.pdf


FEWS NET created and provided our partner organization with the following short link URL and pointed the redirect to the October document.


The redirect led to the October 2020 document file at the following URL. -202010.pdf


Now we'll pretend FEWS NET posted an update to the document on the website in November 2020 using the following filename.




When uploading the new version of the document, the content editor submitted a request to the Web Team to update the short link URL to redirect to the new, November document version on the website.


Upon receiving the request, the Web Team updated the short link URL redirect for to point to the new, November document file URL at:


Because FEWS NET supplied our partner organization with the short link redirect and steps were followed to update the redirect link to point to the new file, the partner organization is spared the need and cost to update their website or printed materials to point to the updated document. The updated short link redirect maintains their access to and delivery of the most recent document file.

Short Link Guidelines

There are three guidelines to follow for using custom short link URLs.


Requesting a Custom Short Link URL

To request a custom short link redirect to a webpage or file URL, please submit a Helpdesk ticket that includes the following information.

Requesting an Update to an Existing Short Link URL

If the short link URL leads to a document file that will continue to be updated, the short link must be updated to point to the new document URL. In this use case, you must submit a new Helpdesk request to update the short link URL to point to the new URL. Please submit a Helpdesk ticket that includes the following information.